
Found 127 Results
Page 1 of 3

Andrade, G., Wang, A., Groß, P., Burga, T., Pons, E., Lieder, E., Spiteri, G., Tahmasebi, Z., Cheung, V., Maier, M., Lieder, F. (2024) Hypocrisy in Moral Decision-Making. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2024 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC)].

(decision-making, morality)
  title = {Hypocrisy in Moral Decision-Making}, 
  author = {Andrade, Gabrielle and Wang, Ashley1 and Groß, Patricia and Burga, Tao and Pons, Erola and Lieder, Emily and Spiteri, Glen and Tahmasebi, Zahra and Cheung, Vanessa and Maier, Maximilian and Lieder, Falk}, 
  doi = {}}

Liu, H., Kim, S., Groß, P., Burga, T., Pons, E., Lieder, E., Spiteri, G., Tahmasebi, Z., Cheung, V., Maier, M., Lieder, F. (2024) Why Aren’t People More Prosocial. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2024 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC)].

(decision-making, effective altruism, morality, rationality)
  title = {Why Aren't People More Prosocial}, 
  author = {Liu, Helen and Kim, Seamus and Groß, Patricia and Burga, Tao and Pons, Erola and Lieder, Emily and Glen, Spiteri and Zahra, Tahmasebi and Cheung, Vanessa and Maier, Maximilian and Lieder, Falk}, 
  doi = {}

Kukamjad, T., Pauly, R., Heindrich, L., Amo, V., & Lieder, F. (2024) Evaluation of Brain Point Intervention in The Dawn of Civilization. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2024 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC)]

(digital interventions)
  title = {Evaluation of Brain Point Intervention in The Dawn of Civilization}, 
  author = {Kukamjad, Teshinee and Pauly, Reena and Heindrich, Lovis and Amo, Victoria and Lieder, Falk}, 
  doi = {}

Reynante, B. M., Wilcox, J. E., Stephenson, O. L., Lieder, F., & Lacopo, C. (2024). Metachangemaking: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Research on Cultivating Changemakers. Journal of Moral Education.

(goals and values)
  title = {Metachangemaking: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Research on Cultivating Changemakers.}, 
  author = {Reynante, Brandon M. and Wilcox, John E. and Stephenson, Oliver L. and Lieder, Falk and Lacopo, Chris}, 
  doi = {}

Lieder, F., Chen, P.-Z., Prentice, M., Amo, V., & Tosic, M. (2024). Gamification of Behavior Change: Mathematical Principle and Proof-of-Concept. JMIR Serious Games,

(digital interventions, rationality enhancement)
  title = {Gamification of Behavior Change: Mathematical Principle and Proof-of-Concept}, 
  author = {Falk Lieder; Pin-Zhen Chen; Mike Prentice; Victoria Amo; Mateo Tošić}, 
  journal = {JMIR Serious Games,}, year = {2024}, 
  doi = {https:// }, 
  url = {} 

Cheung, V.*; Maier, M.*, & Lieder F. (submitted) Large Language Models Amplify Human Biases in Moral Decision-Making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)

Submitted (decision-making)
  title = {Large Language Models Amplify Human Biases in Moral Decision-Making}, 
  author = {Vanessa Cheung, Maximilian Maier, Falk Lieder}, 
  journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)}, 
  url = {} }

Maier, M.*, Cheung, V.*, Lieder, F. (submitted) Metacognitive Learning from Consequences of Past Choices Shapes Moral Decision-Making. Nature Human Behaviour.

Submitted (decision-making, metacognitive learning, morality)
  title = {Metacognitive Learning from Consequences of Past Choices Shapes Moral Decision-Making}, 
  author = {Maximilian Maier,* Vanessa Cheung* & Falk Lieder}, 
  journal = {Nature Human Behaviour}, 
  year = {}, 
  doi = {}, 
  url = {} }

Amo, V., Lieder, F., (submitted). Evaluating the Effectiveness of the InsightApp: A Longitudinal Randomized Controlled Trial on Anxiety, Valued Action, and Psychological Resilience. JMIR Mental Health.

Submitted (digital interventions)
  title = {Evaluating the Effectiveness of the InsightApp: A Longitudinal Randomized Controlled Trial on Anxiety, Valued Action, and Psychological Resilience}, 
  author = {Victoria Amo, Falk Lieder}, 
  journal = {JMIR Mental Health,}, 
  year = {2024}, 
  doi = {}, 
  url = {} 

Lieder, F., Prentice, M. (2024). Life Improvement Science. In: Maggino, F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham.

(metascience, rationality)
  title = {Life Improvement Science},
  author = {Falk Lieder, Mike Prentice},
  journal = {Springer},
  year = {2024},
  doi = {},
  url = {,basic%20actions%20in%20those%20experiments. } }

Spiteri, G., Lieder, F. (2024). Selective attention can bias moral learning from consequences. [Abstract accepted for presentation at The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) 2024.

  title = {Selective attention can bias moral learning from consequences}, 
  author = {Spiteri, Glen and Lieder, Falk}, 
  doi = {}}

Wirzberger, M., Lado, A., Prentice, M., Oreshnikov, I., Passy, J. C., Stock, A., & Lieder, F. (2024). Optimal feedback improves behavioral focus during self-regulated computer-based work. Scientific reports, 14(1), 3124.

(digital interventions, rationality enhancement)
@article{Wirzberger2024OptimalFeedback , 
title = {Optimal feedback improves behavioral focus during self-regulated computer-based work}, 
author = {Maria Wirzberger, Anastasia Lado, Mike Prentice, Ivan Oreshnikov, Jean-Claude Passy, Adrian Stock, Falk Lieder }, 
journal = {Scientific reports}, 
year = {2024}, 
doi = {}, 
url = { } }

Tahmasebi, Z., Maier, M., Cheung, V., Cushman, F., Lieder, F. (2024).The moral two-step task: A novel paradigm for dissociating model-based and model-free metacognitive moral learning. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)2025.

(computational modeling, decision-making, metacognitive learning, morality)
  title = {The moral two-step task: A novel paradigm for dissociating model-based and model-free metacognitive moral learning}, 
  author = {Tahmasebi, Zahra and Maier, Maximilian and Cheung, Vanessa and Cushman, Fiery and Lieder, Falk}, 
  doi = {}

Spiteri, G. W., & Lieder, F. (2024, February 12). The role of attention in moral learning from the consequences of past decisions.

(decision-making, morality)
  title = {The role of attention in moral learning from the consequences of past decisions}, 
  author = {Glen W. Spiteri, Falk Lieder}, 
  doi = {}, 
  url = {} }

Spiteri, G. W., Kim, S., & Lieder F. (Under Review) Identification With World Citizenship Predicts Life Satisfaction. Scientific Reports.

Under Review (goals and values, morality)
  title = {Identification with world citizenship predicts life satisfaction}, 
  author = {Glen Spiteri, Seamus Kim, Falk Lieder}, 
  journal = {Scientific Reports}, 
  url = {} }

Cheung, V.*, Maier, M.*, & Lieder, F. (2024). Metacognitive Learning Shapes Moral Decision-Making. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Thinking (ICT) 2024]. *Joint first-authorship

(decision-making, metacognitive learning, morality)
  title = {Metacognitive Learning Shapes Moral Decision-Making}, 
  author = {Vanessa Cheung*, Maximilian Maier*; & Falk Lieder}, 
  doi = }}

Groß, P., Burga, T., Pons, E., Spiteri, G., Maier, M., Cheung, V., Tahmasebi, Z., Lieder, F. (2024). What (Doesn’t) Limit People’s Prosociality in Social Dilemma Situations. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) 2024].

(decision-making, effective altruism, morality)
  title = {What (Doesn't) Limit People's Prosociality in Social Dilemma Situations}, 
  author = {Groß Patricia, Burga Tao, Pons Erola, Spiteri Glen, Maier Maximilian, Cheung Vanessa, Tahmasebi Zahra, Lieder Falk}, 
  doi = }}

Tahmasebi, Z., Lieder, F. (2024). Perceived moral wrongness and blameworthiness of accidental harm caused by distracted driving. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)2024 pre-conference on Moral Psychology].

  title = {Perceived moral wrongness and blameworthiness of accidental harm caused by distracted driving}, 
  author = {Zahra Tahmasebi, Lieder Falk}, 
  doi =}}

Lieder, F., Maier, M., Cheung, V. (2024). Malleable Morality: Investigating Moral Learning and Its Mechanisms. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)2024 pre-conference on Moral Psychology].

(metacognitive learning, morality)
  title = {Malleable Morality: Investigating Moral Learning and Its Mechanisms}, 
  author = {Lieder, Falk and Maier, Max and Cheung, Vanessa}, 
  doi =}}

Burga, T., Groß, P., Pons, E., Maier, M., Cheung, V., Lieder, F. (2023). Decision-makers systematically overlook crucial considerations insocial dilemmas: implications for finding public policies that maximizecollective well-being. [Abstract accepted for presentation at the Well-Being, Public Policies, and Sustainable HumanDevelopment conference 2023].

(decision-making, effective altruism, morality)
  title = {Decision-makers systematically overlook crucial considerations insocial dilemmas: implications for finding public policies that maximizecollective well-being}, 
  author = {Burga Tao, Groß Patricia, Pons Erola, Maier Maximilian, Cheung Vanessa, Lieder Falk}, 
  doi =}}

Krueger, P.M.1, Callaway, F.1, Gul, S., Griffiths, T. L., & Lieder, F. (accepted). Identifying Resource-Rational Heuristics for Risky Choice. Psychological Review. 1Joint first-authorship *Joint senior-authorship.

(decision-making, rationality, rationality enhancement)
  title = {Identifying Resource-Rational Heuristics for Risky Choice}, 
  author = {Paul Krueger, Frederick Callaway, Sayan Gul, Tom Griffiths, Falk Lieder}, 
  journal = {Psychological Review}, 
  year = {accepted}, 
  doi = {https:// }, 
  url = { } }

Reichman, D., Lieder, F., Bourgin, D. D.*, Talmon, N., & Griffiths, T. L. (2023). The computational challenges of pursuing multiple goals: network structure of goal systems predicts human performance. Cognitive Science, 47 (8). https:// doi:10.1111/cogs.13330

(computational modeling)
  title = {The computational challenges of pursuing multiple goals: network structure of goal systems predicts human performance}, 
  author = {Falk Lieder, David D. Bourgin, Nimrod Talmon, Thomas L. Griffiths}, 
  journal = {Cognitive Science}, 
  year = {2023}, 
  doi = {https:// doi:10.1111/cogs.13330 }, 
  url = {} }

Becker, F., Wirzberger, M., Pammer-Schindler, V., Srinivas, S., & Lieder, F. (2023). Systematic metacognitive reflection helps people discover far-sighted decision strategies: a process-tracing experiment. Judgment and Decision Making, 18, E15. doi:10.1017/jdm.2023.16

(decision-making, metacognitive learning)
  title = {Systematic metacognitive reflection helps people discover far-sighted decision strategies: a process-tracing
  author = {Frederic Becker, Maria Wirzberger, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Srinidhi Srinivas, Falk Lieder}, 
  journal = {Judgment and Decision Making}, 
  year = {2023}, 
  doi = {https:// doi:10.1017/jdm.2023.16 }, 
  url = { } }

Amo, V., Prentice, M., & Lieder, F. (2023). A gamified mobile app that helps people develop the metacognitive skills to cope with stressful situations and difficult emotions: formative assessment of the InsightApp. JMIR Formative Research.

(digital interventions)
title = {A gamified mobile app that helps people develop the metacognitive skills to cope with stressful situations and difficult emotions: formative assessment of the InsightApp}, 
author = {Victoria Amo, Mike Prentice, Falk Lieder}, 
journal = {JMIR Formative Research}, 
year = {2023}, 
doi = {10.2196/44429}, 
url = {} }

Skirzynski, J., Jain, Y. R., & Lieder, F. (2023). Automatic discovery and description of human planning strategies. Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02062-z.

  title = {Automatic discovery and description of human planning strategies},
  author = {Frederic Becker, Maria Wirzberger, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Srinidhi Srinivas, Falk Lieder},
  journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {https:// doi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02062-z.},
  url = {,basic%20actions%20in%20those%20experiments. } }
  title = {Formative assessment of the InsightApp: An ecological momentary intervention that helps people develop (meta-)cognitive skills to cope with stressful situations and difficult emotions},
  author = {Amo, V. and Prentice, M. and Lieder, F.},
  journal = {JMIR Formative Research},
  month = nov,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {11}

Amo, V., Prentice, M., Lieder, F. (2022). Promoting value-congruent action by supporting effective metacognitive emotion-regulation strategies with a gamified app Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention 2022, San Francisco, USA, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention 2022.

  title = {Promoting value-congruent action by supporting effective metacognitive emotion-regulation strategies with a gamified app},
  author = {Amo, V. and Prentice, M. and Lieder, F.},
  booktitle = {Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention 2022},
  address = {San Francisco, USA},
  month = feb,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {2}

Lieder, F. (2022). Which research topics are most important for promoting flourishing? In Global Conference on Human Flourishing, Templeton World Charity Foundation.

  title = {Which research topics are most important for promoting flourishing?},
  author = {Lieder, F.},
  booktitle = {Global Conference on Human Flourishing},
  publisher = {Templeton World Charity Foundation},
  month = nov,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.35907.48163},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {11}

Prentice, M., Gonzalez Cruz, H., Lieder, F. (2022). Evaluating Life Reflection Techniques to Help People Select Virtuous Life Goals Integrating Research on Character and Virtues: 10 Years of Impact, Oriel College, Oxford, Integrating Research on Character and Virtues: 10 Years of Impact.

  title = {Evaluating Life Reflection Techniques to Help People Select Virtuous Life Goals},
  author = {Prentice, Mike and Gonzalez Cruz, Hernán and Lieder, Falk},
  booktitle = {Integrating Research on Character and Virtues: 10 Years of Impact},
  institution = {University Of Birmingham, the Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtues},
  address = {Oriel College, Oxford},
  month = jan,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {1}

He, R., Lieder, F. (2022). Learning-induced changes in people’s planning strategies

  title = {Learning-induced changes in people's planning strategies},
  author = {He, Ruiqi and Lieder, Falk},
  month = nov,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.12721.66407},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {11}

Krueger, P., Callaway, F., Gul, S., Griffiths, T., Lieder, F. (2022). Discovering Rational Heuristics for Risky Choice PsyArXiv Preprints.

  title = {Discovering Rational Heuristics for Risky Choice},
  author = {Krueger, P. and Callaway, F. and Gul, S. and Griffiths, T. and Lieder, F.},
  journal = {PsyArXiv Preprints},
  month = jan,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.31234/},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {1}

Skirzynski, J., Jain, Y. R., Lieder, F. (2022). Automatic discovery and description of human planning strategies Behavior Research Methods

  title = {Automatic discovery and description of human planning strategies},
  author = {Skirzynski, Julian and Jain, Yash Raj and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
  month = oct,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2109.14493},
  url = { },
  month_numeric = {10}

Jain, Y. R., Callaway, F., Griffiths, T. L., Dayan, P., He, R., Krueger, P. M., Lieder, F. (2022). A Computational Process-Tracing Method for Measuring People’s Planning Strategies and How They Change Over Time Behavior Research Methods.

  title = {A Computational Process-Tracing Method for Measuring People’s Planning Strategies and How They Change Over Time},
  author = {Jain, Yash Raj and Callaway, Frederick and Griffiths, Thomas L. and Dayan, Peter and He, Ruiqi and Krueger, Paul M. and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
  year = {2022},
  doi = { },
  url = {}

Lieder, F., Chen, P., Prentice, M., Amo, V., Tošić, M. (2022). A mathematical principle for the gamification of behavior change JMIR Preprints, JMIR Publications.

  title = {A mathematical principle for the gamification of behavior change},
  author = {Lieder, F. and Chen, PZ. and Prentice, M. and Amo, V. and Tošić, M.},
  journal = {JMIR Preprints},
  publisher = {JMIR Publications},
  month = oct,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {10}

Lieder, F., Chen, P., Stojcheski, J., Consul, S., Pammer-Schindler, V. (2022). A cautionary tale about AI-generated goal suggestions Mensch und Computer.

(AI, goals and values)
  title = {A cautionary tale about AI-generated goal suggestions},
  author = {Lieder, F. and Chen, P.-Z. and Stojcheski, J. and Consul, S. and Pammer-Schindler, V.},
  institution = {Mensch und Computer},
  month = sep,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {9}

Consul, S., Stojcheski, J., Lieder, F. (2022). Leveraging AI for effective to-do list gamification In 5th international workshop Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded.

  title = {Leveraging AI for effective to-do list gamification},
  author = {Consul, S. and Stojcheski, J. and Lieder, F.},
  month = sep,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {9}
  title = {Does deliberate prospection help students set better goals?},
  author = {J{"a}hnichen, S. and Weber, F. and Prentice, M. and Lieder, F},
  month = sep,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {9}

Lieder, F., Prentice, M., Corwin-Renner, E. (2022). An interdisciplinary synthesis of research on understanding and promoting well-doing Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12704.

  title = {An interdisciplinary synthesis of research on understanding and promoting well-doing},
  author = {Lieder, Falk and Prentice, Mike and Corwin-Renner, Emily},
  journal = {Social and Personality Psychology Compass},
  volume = {e12704},
  month = aug,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.1111/spc3.12704},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {8}

Becker, F., Wirzberger, M., Pammer-Schindler, V., Srinivas, S., Lieder, F. (2022) Systematic metacognitive reflection helps people discover far-sighted decision strategies: a process-tracing experiment Open Science Framework, Open Science Framework.

Submitted (metacognitive learning)
  title = {Systematic metacognitive reflection helps people discover far-sighted decision strategies: a process-tracing experiment},
  author = {Becker, F. and Wirzberger, M. and Pammer-Schindler, V. and Srinivas, S. and Lieder, F.},
  journal = {Open Science Framework},
  publisher = {Open Science Framework},
  month = jul,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {7}

Becker, F., Skirzyński, J., van Opheusden, B., Lieder, F. (2022). Boosting human decision-making with AI-generated decision aids Computational Brain & Behavior.

  title = {Boosting human decision-making with AI-generated decision aids},
  author = {Becker, Frederic and Skirzyński, Julian and van Opheusden, Bas and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Computational Brain & Behavior},
  month = jul,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2203.02776},
  month_numeric = {7}

Mehta, A., Jain, Y. R., Kemtur, A., Stojcheski, J., Consul, S., Tosic, M., Lieder, F. (2022). Leveraging machine learning to automatically derive robust decision strategies from imperfect models of the real world Computational Brain & Behavior, Springer Nature.

  title = {Leveraging machine learning to automatically derive robust decision strategies from imperfect models of the real world },
  author = {Mehta, Aashay and Jain, Yash Raj and Kemtur, Anirudha and Stojcheski, Jugoslav and Consul, Saksham and Tosic, Mateo and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Computational Brain & Behavior},
  publisher = {Springer Nature},
  month = jun,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.1007/s42113-022-00141-6},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {6}

Consul, S., Heindrich, L., Stojcheski, J., Lieder, F. (2022). Improving Human Decision-Making by Discovering Efficient Strategies for Hierarchical Planning Computational Brain & Behavior, 5(1), Springer.

  title = {Improving Human Decision-Making by Discovering Efficient Strategies for Hierarchical Planning},
  author = {Consul, Saksham and Heindrich, Lovis and Stojcheski, Jugoslav and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Computational Brain & Behavior},
  volume = {5},
  number = {1},
  publisher = {Springer},
  month = apr,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.1007/s42113-022-00128-3},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {4}

Callaway, F., Opheusden, B. V., Gul, S., Das, P., Krueger, P. M., Griffiths, T. L., Lieder, F. (2022). Rational use of cognitive resources in human planning Nature Human Behaviour.

  title = {Rational use of cognitive resources in human planning},
  author = {Callaway, Frederick and van Opheusden, Bas and Gul, Sayan and Das, Priyam and Krueger, Paul M. and Griffiths, Thomas L. and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Nature Human Behaviour},
  month = apr,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.1038/s41562-022-01332-8},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {4}
  title = {What to learn next? Aligning gamification rewards to long-term goals using reinforcement learning},
  author = {Pauly, Reena and Heindrich, Lovis and Amo, Victoria and Lieder, Falk},
  month = mar,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {3}

Wirzberger, M., Lado, A., Prentice, M., Oreshnikov, I., Passy, J., Stock, A., Lieder, F. (2022). Can we improve self-regulation during computer-based work with optimal feedback? Behaviour & Information Technology.

  title = {Can we improve self-regulation during computer-based work with optimal feedback?},
  author = {Wirzberger, Maria and Lado, Anastasia and Prentice, Mike and Oreshnikov, Ivan and Passy, Jean-Claude and Stock, Adrian and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Behaviour & Information Technology},
  month = nov,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {11}

Callaway, F., Jain, Y. R., Opheusden, B. V., Das, P., Iwama, G., Gul, S., Krueger, P. M., Becker, F., Griffiths, T. L., Lieder, F. (2022). Leveraging artificial intelligence to improve people’s planning strategies 119(12), PNAS.

  title = {Leveraging artificial intelligence to improve people’s planning strategies},
  author = {Callaway, Frederick and Jain, Yash Raj and van Opheusden, Bas and Das, Priyam and Iwama, Gabriela and Gul, Sayan and Krueger, Paul M. and Becker, Frederic and Griffiths, Thomas L. and Lieder, Falk},
  volume = {119},
  number = {12},
  publisher = {PNAS},
  month = mar,
  year = {2022},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {3}

Brohmer, H., Eckerstorfer, L. V., van Aert, R. C., Corcoran, K. (2021). Do Behavioral Observations Make People Catch the Goal? A Meta-Analysis on Goal Contagion. International Review of Social Psychology , 34(1):3; 1-15, Online.

  title = {Do Behavioral Observations Make People Catch the Goal? A Meta-Analysis on Goal Contagion.},
  author = {Brohmer, H. and Eckerstorfer, L. V. and van Aert, R. C. and Corcoran, K.},
  journal = {International Review of Social Psychology },
  volume = {34},
  number = {1},
  pages = {3; 1-15},
  howpublished = {Online},
  month = jan,
  year = {2021},
  doi = {10.5334/irsp.428},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {1}

Lieder, F., Prentice, M. Life Improvement Science In Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, The Springer, August 2021

(goals and values)
  title = {Life Improvement Science },
  author = {Lieder, F. and Prentice, M.},
  booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research},
  publisher = {The Springer},
  month = aug,
  year = {2021},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {8}

Bustamante, L., Lieder, F., Musslick, S., Shenhav, A., Cohen, J. (2021). Learning to Overexert Cognitive Control in a Stroop Task Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, Laura Bustamante and Falk Lieder contributed equally to this publication.

  title = {Learning to Overexert Cognitive Control in a Stroop Task},
  author = {Bustamante, Laura and Lieder, Falk and Musslick, Sebastian and Shenhav, Amitai and Cohen, Jonathan},
  journal = {Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience},
  month = jan,
  year = {2021},
  note = {Laura Bustamante and Falk Lieder contributed equally to this publication.},
  doi = {},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {1}

Skirzyński, J., Becker, F., Lieder, F. (2021). Automatic Discovery of Interpretable Planning Strategies Machine Learning.

  title = {Automatic Discovery of Interpretable Planning Strategies},
  author = {Skirzyński, Julian and Becker, Frederic and Lieder, Falk},
  journal = {Machine Learning},
  year = {2021},
  doi = {}

Lieder, F., Iwama, G. (2021). Toward a Formal Theory of Proactivity Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 42(999):999-1000, Springer.

  title = {Toward a Formal Theory of Proactivity},
  author = {Lieder, Falk and Iwama, Gabriela},
  journal = {Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience},
  volume = {42},
  number = {999},
  pages = {999-1000},
  publisher = {Springer},
  month = mar,
  year = {2021},
  doi = {10.3758/s13415-021-00884-y},
  url = {},
  month_numeric = {3}
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